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irony examples in literature

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irony examples in literature
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Akkor ezt storyboard a következő cikkekben és források:
Az Irónia Három Fajtája

Háromféle Irónia

Óratervek: Rebecca Ray

Szeretnéd, ha tanítványaid megértenék az irodalom iróniájának 3 fajtáját? Szeretnéd, ha a tanulóid önállóan is képesek legyenek azonosítani és megmagyarázni az iróniát? Akkor jó helyre jött! Kifejlesztettünk néhány forgatókönyvet, amelyek segítenek megtanítani az irónia három típusát.


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Storyboard Leírás

different irony types

Storyboard Szöveg

  • SITUATIONAL IRONY in THE POET X by Elizabeth Acevedo
  • Xiomara's mother is very conservative. She expects her son, Xavier, to be strong and typically masculine while she expects Xiomara to be mild, agreeable and typically feminine. The irony is that they are the complete opposite. Xiomara says Twin was born a soft whistle while she was born a hurricane. Her brother is quiet and meek, unable to stand up for or fight for himself. Xiomara on the contrary is steadfast in her opinions and does the fighting for both of them. Ever since they were little, Xiomara stood up to anyone who disrespected either of them using her words and her fists.
  • “My brother was birthed a soft whistle: quiet, barely stirring the air, a gentle sound. But I was born all the hurricane he needed to lift -and drop- those that hurt him to the ground”
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