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  • Saját Storyboards

Sadako Sasaki

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Sadako Sasaki
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Szöveg

  • An atom bomb dropped on 6th August on Hiroshima by an American aero plane.
  • Sadako Sasaki was 2 when the atom bombs dropped. There was acid rain which was radioactive, and touched Sasaki's skin.
  • Soon then Sasaki developed weird swelling on her body. It was soon discovered that is came from the outcome of the weird rain.
  • Sasaki then was diagnosed with Leukemia. She went to the hospital to receive treatment.
  • Sadako, I heard if you made 1000 paper cranes, you get to make a wish.
  • Sasaki went on her journey on making 1000 paper cranes, as her father told her. It is unsure if she made all of the cranes.
  • Sasaki died in 1955, on October. There is still conspiracy whether she made the cranes or not. But we won't know for a while.
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