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Drummond Plot Comic

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Drummond Plot Comic
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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Expostion
  • Conflict
  • Rising action
  • The exposition of the novel includes the charaters Johnny, Ponyboy,Dally,Darry,Bob, Two-bit,Steve,Sodapop,Cherry, and Randy. THe setting of the story is Tulsa, Oklahoma a small city in Oklamhoma. The greasers are they poor kids and socials are the rich kids.
  • Climax
  • The biggest conflict in The Outsiders is the rivalry between the greasers and socials. How they are different social classes makes them rivalrys.
  • Falling action
  • One of the events from the rising action is Ponyboy and Johnny save kids from a burning church. They save the kids from the church that they were staying in. They thought it was their fault so they went in with no hesitation. They both ended up hurt and so did Dally.
  • Resolution
  • The climax in the outsiders is the rumble between greasers and socials. Also that Johnny ends up dead his last words were "stay glod Ponyboy, stay gold." Which was a reference to a qoute earlier in the book.
  • Dally gets shot after robbing a store. He was mad that johnny died and stared doing crazy things.
  • There wasn't really a resolution but in the end of the book ponyboy wrote a book. That book is The Outsiders.
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