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Globalization Part 1

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Globalization Part 1
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Pregunta 1

Storyboard Szöveg

  • Although we also have disadvantages such as Loss of national identity: Something that happens when the idioms, ways of thinking and traditions of other countries are taken as our own. Forgetting or not using in this way the own ones. Foreign prey in local politics: Foreign influences are normal in globalization and loss of employment.
  • That's great, but I also need to know that it's a multinational company and how globalization benefits them.
  • that's very easy, let me explain
  • A multinational company is one that operates in more than one country. They are the result of economic globalization and usually distribute the activities of their production chain, such as manufacturing or administration, in different parts of the world. Multinationals have several branches around the world, but centralize management in a single headquarters, usually located in the country of origin.Translated with (free version)
  • so multinational companies are only there to help?
  • No, in fact many fear about the effects of their inclusion in local markets and competition, as well as the controversial issue of liability in relation to the parent company and branches within the host states and, above all, the effects of their actions on the environment and working conditions.
  • also in the guide there is a very strange word, deslo... deslocalization... what does it mean?
  • But how does globalization affect workers?
  • if you want, we can look into it a little more 
  • has influenced the transformation of the labor market through the economy and the promotion of new jobs for society, which has led to the inclusion of new forms of labor contracting, resulting in labor outsourcing and, as a product of this, cooperativism. 
  • It is the movement that some companies make by relocating their work centers in developed countries to countries with lower costs for the company, generally to developing countries.
  • And this process allows companies, both multinational and domestic, greater freedom of movement of people and capital.
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