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  • Saját Storyboards

Code Switching Project

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Code Switching Project
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Szöveg

  • I appreciate all of you for coming here tonight, may you enjoy the rest of your evening!
  • Good day, madame. How might you be doing on this lovely evening?
  • Good day, madame. How might you be doing this lovely evening?
  • I am doing well, thank you. I enjoyed your presentation, it was well thought out and beautifully spoken. With that, I must bid you farewell, I have other matters to attend to.
  • I just have to get thru talking to a few peeps, and then i can finally go home
  • I am doing well, thank you. I enjoyed your presentation, it was beautifully spoken. With that, I must bid you farewell, I have other matters to attend to.
  • OMG! Joe? What's poppin'? How's the fam? Do ya wanna come to my place for s'mores later?
  • We be doin' okay. How about y'all? That sounds real good, y'all have the best s'moes in the whole town.
  • So what've ya been doin'? Keepin' busy?
  • Nothin' much, the norm. How 'bout you?
  • Yea, we're havin fun...Sweetie, what are you still doing up? Daddy was supposed to put you to bed.
  • Mommy?
  • We didn't get a hug before bed, and daddy told us you were outside.
  • Okay, well night night, I love you both!
  • Night night, love you too!
  • D'aww, they're cute. They got so big since I last saw 'em!
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