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Storyboard Szöveg

  • I, David Cicilline, introduce to the House the Equality Act, that shall be known as H.R. 5
  • Will H.R. 5 fit into the Federal Government's budget? Is it worth the money that it needs, or can the money better used elsewhere?
  • How is H.R. 5 different from the 14th Amendment? Because this sounds really familiar. Do we already have a bill that is enacted which already secures these rights? We should read through all the rights and amendments in the Constitution to make sure that we haven't previously passed a bill like this!
  • Well now that we have gotten through that, the Equality Act can finally move onto the Senate, where we will name it S. 5.
  • No, sir. I believe this bill can be put aside for a while so we can enact some other bills that are more importance for the time being.
  • Is this bill in urgent need of being passed, or can it wait? Is there a current issue that is causing S. 5 to be more relevant?
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