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Storyboard Szöveg

  • I heard that It rained where your crops are located! how is it going?
  • God Gracious! My trucks can't go up because of the mud and my crops can't be harvest!
  • What a bad news!
  • I received a call from the driver of my trucks and they are having hard time to go up to collect the crops! and the people that I left in managing the crops also called that they can't harvest because it was raining
  • Sir! we cannot continue traveling because the rain is pouring so hard and we cannot climb up because it is slippery sir!
  • Good morning sir, I just wanted to inform you that we couldn't harvest because of the weather since it is raining so hard sir!
  • A good harvest and supply of food really is dependent to the weather huh? because if the weather is bad it can affect the supply of goods and services you produce because as what you've said the rain causes drought and flood!
  • Yes! That is why during June to November which are the months of rainy season, we really suffer damages for the supply of crops!
  • Oh no! your supply of crops might lessen and also the money you get.
  • Yes... It is nice to have a land of crops but it will be the total opposite if the weather changes because we can't harvest since moisture of the soil might deteriorate stalk quality for corn
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