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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Jakob once posted a picture claiming he climb the "tallest building". He claims that he went to a different country but it was all a lie.
  • One day Jakob was seen by Ola. Ola was shocked because Jakob seems to be in the same place as she is. All along Jakob was lying, he wasn't in a different country, he just fabricated all of the things he said in his social media.
  • Ola asked why did he lie, and using the power of social media to lie about his location. " Media has evolved through the years making people's life easier. One of the most effective use of media is on communication. Media plays a significant role in sharing information across the globe. Media keeps people aware and updated on important events and happenings. But in other hand, media also has it's advantages and disadvantages. "- Ola said.
  • Jakob replied " Why? Social Media gives me freedom to post anything I want". Ola responded " Yes it gives you freedom but it doesn't mean you should lie, all of the things you do has it's own consequences take note of that, what if you lied about your location then suddenly yo went missing? Do you think we will find you as soon as possible? Of course not!"
  • Jakob cannot believe what he just heard. "Different forms and types of media are can be found everywhere , as a result we can easily access information with just one click. But using social media has it's downside. Media can affect a person in a negative way. People's opinion and thoughts can be limited in medias. Although you can share your thoughts freely, you can still experience judgements and harsh comments on your opinion. A person can experience cyberbullying. Another downside in media is that sometimes it provides us with fake and unreliable information."- Ola said.
  • "As cliché as it may sound but we have to "Think before we click." Most of us are not media literate. Media is created to inform and educate us, but with our irresponsible actions it is becoming toxic to us. As a user, we have to be mindful on what we share and post on different forms of media. We have to remember that a simple click can affect a large amount of people. "- she added. Jakob finally got the idea and promised Ola to never lie again. he promised to be responsible. Ola finished their talk with a reminder " These things should not just be used in Social Media, use it in Media and Information or any kind of literature because it really is the right thing to do"
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