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The Socket Pt. 4
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Storyboard Szöveg
Penis first?
So, you slipped, and got stuck in the electric junction box?
Can you guys just help me out here?!
What makes you think I want to help fish your genitals out of an electric socket?
Well, someone's gotta do it!
Wait, wait, question. If you've had your scrotum stuck in this junction box for over 17 minutes- why are you still alive?!
Well, looking at this setup, he has the electric volt very low currently, but in the next 2 minutes, it'll heat up, obliterating his genitals.
Haven't you ever heard of suspension of disbelief, Randy?! Or better yet, have you ever heard of getting my cock out of this socket before I die!
He MANUALLY has the electricity be lower, only to ramp up at specific times? THAT MAKES NO FRIGGING SENSE!
Okay, listen, Holiday Ranter. If you knew full,well your electric box goes up to 86 volts, why did you decide to go through with- this?
Oh, arousal is perfectly normal. Putting your dick in a bunch of wires ready to fry it off- that's another story.
Oh, sor-ee, Michael Bay! Experencing arousal is a perfectly normal for a young man, back me up, Helpington!
Guys! It's heating up! I need your help! My penis is already looking like a Jackson Pollock painting! HELP!
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