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Caterpillar turns into Butterfly

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Caterpillar turns into Butterfly
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Hi what's your question?
  • Hey Duck, I have a question for you.
  • To be able to fly you must wrap yourself and hang from a tree to have wings.
  • I always see you and birds flying how can i fly like you?
  • *caterpillar does what duck says*
  • *stays there for the night*
  • *duck comes and checks up on Caterpillar *
  • *Caterpillar is resting so he can have wings*
  • You're welcome butterfly!
  • I finally have wings I can see the beautiful world now! Thank you duck!
  • *Caterpillar turns into butterfly the next day*
  • That's so cool ! *THE END*
  • Hi cata- woah you got wings now Butterfly!
  • Hey dog look at me!
  • Yea isn't it cool I can see everything from above now
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