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Parable of kindness and giving back to God

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Parable of kindness and giving back to God
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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Oh Gosh Janet you really need to stop your mean Facebook addiction!
  • HAHA!! Look at this stupid post Alice!Doesn't she look terrible from that angle?
  • Sometime ago, there was a lady called Janet.
  • Hmmmm What's this?It's all about God, im going to read it.
  • Janet's life was devoid of kindness to others and faith in God. She had an unhealthy dependence on Facebook.
  • Oh my gosh this stuff is.....beautiful!
  • Everyday, she would spend hours scouring Facebook and leaving hurtful comments on strangers' profiles.
  • You know what! I'm going to sign up for some volunteer work, delete Facebook and repay God for all his kindness towards me
  • She was browsing Facebook one day when she came across a page devoted to God and good values, such as kindness. She was so fascinated by the story, so she read everything on their page.
  • Someof the things that were said resonated strongly with her, and she began to seehow self-centered her behaviour had been.
  • That night, she deleted Facebook and signed up for a volunteer programme in an effort to repay God for all of his kindnesses.
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