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Jack and Vanessa Part 1

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Jack and Vanessa Part 1
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Szöveg

  • I'm pretty sick of doing construction work, V Nasty. We didn't major in chain-smoking and cat calling.
  • How many times have I told you not to call me that? What do you suggest we do? We've sent in tons of applications with no luck.
  • I have just the idea!
  • Jack, are you sure about this? The director is going to know we're not actually PAs.
  • You worry too much. Just follow my lead.
  • Yes, sir! Right on it, sir.
  • Hey, you two! Don't just stand there! We have extras around here running rampant. Get a hold on it.
  • How are we going to do this? What are we going to do? Where do we start looking?
  • It's gonna be fine, Jack. I'll whip them into shape.
  • Good thinking, V Nasty. We'll do this... rodeo style.
  • Don't call me that.
  • Okay, I've found most of the extras and returned them to holding--what is this, Jack?
  • Uh, I just found him.
  • Outside a donut shop... I thought we were gonna round the extras up rodeo style...
  • Where?
  • No! No. I'm borrowing him!
  • But... But... Rodeo style. Ugh. Okay.
  • You stole a police horse?!?!
  • Jack! Take him back.
  • -You got it. -Sure!
  • Hey! You guys are back. Good work. Can you get me some coffee?
  • Wow. Jack. I can't believe we pulled that off.
  • Don't call me that!
  • V, Nasty. RUN!
  • Hey! Those aren't real PAs! I'm the PA!
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