*After a heated argument between Bill and Nikolai, the boys decide to settle the score using Football
Fine, we'll settle it with football!
Fine, get a team and we'll play in one week!
Many Years Later
If we play now, i'd surely lose! I need an even stronger team!
Hey! You cant bring that many people!
Why not, i just have a better team
The boys failed to realize that they were two sworn enemies standing waist-deep in a pool of gasoline, one with 3 matches, the other with 5 - Carl Sagan
That team is way too strong, that's completely unfair!
I'll let him make the first move
I'll let him make the first move
The boys, now well past boyhood, realized all too late that they had no true reason to feud. No football was ever played but the superteams the boys created kept the other living in constant terror of being tackled at any moment leading both of them to live in panic and delusion. the cold war is over, Japan won. Japan was uninvolved in the direct cold war and this quote shows how both the United States and Russia Lost.