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The French Revolution

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The French Revolution
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  • Meeting of the Estates General
  • The Tennis Court Oath
  • The Storming of the Bastille
  • With France struggling with financial crisis and bad harvests, King Louis XVI, not knowing what to do, called upon the estates general for the first time in over 175 years. In May of 1789, the estates general convened at the meeting hall. The general estates was composed of 3 estates with the 1st estate being the clergy, the 2nd being the nobility, and the 3rd being the peasantry. The 3rd estate was the largest by far with it making up over 95% of the population. However, each estate no matter the size was only given 1 vote each in all matters discussed. This meant that the first 2 estates could impose all the taxes they like on the 3rd estate as together they could always outvote the 3rd estate.
  • The March on Versaille
  • After being kicked out of their old meeting building by the government, the National Assembly was compelled to relocate to a neighboring tennis court, where they worried the King might dismiss them. They would pledge in the now-famous "Tennis Court Oath" to keep France from bankruptcy and to never split until a constitution was created. The assembly was made up of the Third Estate and some reformers from the First and Second Estates. The King was furious, and suspicions rapidly spread that he could try to sabotage the meeting's progress. The Constitution of 1791, which established a limited monarchy and a new legislative assembly to "create laws, collect taxes, and decide on questions of war and peace," was eventually completed by the Assembly.
  • The Reign of Terror
  • Rumors began to circulate on July 14th, 1789, that royal soldiers may take the capital. A multitude of frightened Parisians began to demand gunpowder and weapons from the Bastille, an ancient castle that had formerly served as a prison. Over 800 Parisians wished to protect themselves against the monarch and his subjects. The commander of the Bastille refused to give in and opened fire, killing a large number of people. Many supporters viewed the incident as a "blow against despotism," with Parisians eager to defy the King for their convictions. The storming of the Bastille is a symbol of the French Revolution that is commemorated to this day.
  • The Rise of Napoleon
  • On October 5th, 1789, an angry mob of women, furious with the king, marched on his palace in Versailles. They demanded to be given bread and to see the King. They then forced the King and his wife, Marie Antoinette to move back to Paris. This allowed the revolutionaries much easier access to the king for any reforms they wanted. The King and Queen remained in the Tuileres Palace as prisoners of the revolution for 3 years.
  • During the French Revolution, the Reign of Terror, often known as "The Terror," lasted approximately 11 months. The Terror was led by Maximilien Robespierre, one of the most famous leaders of the French Revolution, yet it claimed the lives of approximately 40,000 individuals. During the French Revolution, the Guillotine came to symbolize terror. Robespierre was able to execute King Louis XVI. King Louis XVI was found guilty of treason by the Convention and was beheaded in January 1793 by guillotine. But during the Thermidorian Reaction, Robespierre was apprehended and guillotined along with 21 of his followers.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte was a military leader of the French who conquered most of Europe in the early 19th century. At the age of 9, he was sent to France for training. Then at the age of 20, he was eager to prove himself as a leader. He later overthrew the directory and established the consulate with him as the First Consul which held the most power of the three consuls. After securing more power to himself, he crowned himself as emperor in 1806. He was the first Frenchman to hold the title of emperor in a millennium. He led his French army to many successes. Some of his military successes were his outstanding military skills during the Siege of Toulon. He also led the French to victory in the Italian Campaign.
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