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Storyboard Szöveg
man i have this progect at school and i dont really know what to doHow do gravity and inertia work together in the solar system.
really you will hep me
oh wow that sucks but what is it about.
oh wow well i can help with tha. hold the earth down with gravity.
i wonder How does the Sun's gravity work on the planets
oh let me help ok so the sund gravity works cause it holds allof the planets in line .
man look at that beatuful mooon i wonder how that gets there.i wonder what the moon revolves around and why.why then.
same i wonder why too but i already know.its from gravity and i evolvs around the earth and sun.
i wonder whb mass effect gravity.thanks but oh jesus ur finna be crushed.
yea i do buddy its cause somthing called gravity holds us down.
hey mr.worker mn can u tell me why when i see a sace movie why i dont fly when i jump.thanku mr.
ma i ned some help with a project at school. How does mass affect gravity. dang moms do know every thing.
maybe i can help tell me what you have to do.oh that answer is easy cause it is the more mass the less gravity.
yes i know the more mass the less gravity.
yep u is dead
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