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Monster (Screenplay by Walter Dean Myers) Illustrations arranged by Emma Perez.

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Monster (Screenplay by Walter Dean Myers) Illustrations arranged by Emma Perez.
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Storyboard Szöveg

  •  CUT TO: INTERIOR: HOLDING ROOM. We see STEVE sitting at one end of bench. Against the opposite wall, dressed in a sloppy-looking suit, is 23-year-old JAMES KING, the other man on trail. KING looks older than 23.
  •  He looks over at STEVE with a hard look and we see STEVE look away. Two GUARDS sit at a table away from the prisoners, who are handcuffed.
  •  The camera finds the GUARDS in a MEDIUM SHOT (MS). They eat their breakfast in aluminum take-out trays that contain eggs, sausages, and potatoes.
  •  A Black female STENOGRAPHER pours coffee for herself and the GUARDS. (Turns and looks off camera towards STEVE)
  • Six days-maybe 7. It's a motion case. They go through the motions; then they lock them up. Ain't that right, bright eyes?
  • I hope this case lasts two weeks. I can sure use the money.
  •  CUT TO: STEVE, who is seated on a low bench. He is handcuffed to a U-bolt put in the bench for that purpose. STEVE looks away from the GUARD.
  •  CUT TO: DOOR. It opens, and COURT CLERK looks in.
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