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  • Saját Storyboards

Who 's my date

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Who 's my date
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Hello good morning everyone, for those who do not know me I am JESSICA and you are seeing WHO IS MY APPOINTMENT !!
  • Hello Jessica, good morning to you and all my beautiful viewers of WHO'S MY DATE
  • in today's chapter we bring you a special guest and she is.... LINDA
  • Ok,we can start!!
  • Well Linda, make yourself comfortable to start with the questions.
  • Well linda now we will proceed to make a videoconference with your secret date..
  • Question 1 Do you always take your dog for a walk in the morning?
  • I always take my dog ​​out
  • I sometimes take my dog ​​out
  • I never take my dog ​​out
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