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Storyboard Szöveg
Great, I'm really excited to go back to school after the holidays, I wonder if...
hang on a minute!
Oh sorry Sara, I was waiting for you to come so we can talk about our vacation and what we did, let's talk about it
Hello Bruno, I hope you have not expected to enter the school without me
I spent half my vacation doing an activity that required me to wear gloves and protection for my safety...
Wait a minute, you must have done some kind of craft with tools, that's why you used that kind of protection
Hi guys!
No, I was telling Sara that on my vacation I went to a forest where there was an activity where we had to use protection to carry it out
Bruno was telling me that on his vacations he did activities with tools
What are you talking about?
Both are right, he went to the forest to practice mountaineering, that is why the issue of protection is important
Yes, surely you had some kind of instructor and he was the one who asked you for that kind of protection so you wouldn't get hurt
Ahhh, so I guess you went hiking somewhere, right?
Yes guys, we go to school, there they tell me what you did
Members:- Díaz García Ricardo Zuriel.- Fuentes Mercado Ana Gabriel.Group: 664.
Wow, I never would have guessed, that's great, we can now enter the school
We can now enter classes, it's good to know that you had a good vacation
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