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English Assessment Storyboard

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English Assessment Storyboard
Storyboard That

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Próbáld ki ingyen!

Készítse el saját forgatókönyvét

Próbáld ki ingyen!

Storyboard Szöveg

  • Meanwhile over in thecommercial area of the city
  • Sirens are approaching
  • Sirens are wailing in the distance
  • We find ourselves in the last remaining residential area within the city
  • Meanwhile Roberto, Michael's best friend and Tyler'scousin-in-law, is driving by
  • I love walking around my neighbourhood. I'll never let them demolish this forcommercial use.
  • I can’t believe those residents still haven’t sold their homes for so many long years. If they don’t sell now my business will go bankrupt. I need to make a deal soon.
  • Oh oh! That's Tyler, the head commercial marketer!
  • I told you before, I’ll never sell. The only way you’ll get my property is over my dead body.
  • Michael, have you considered my offer? I'm getting desperate.
  • That's Michael, leader of the residentsrefusing to sell!
  • Well that can bearranged. Unfortunately you leave me no choice
  • Oh no! It looks like trouble over there!
  • Stop it! Both of you! You shouldn’t be doing this!
  • What a perfect distraction!
  • You might be able to buy our houses, but they're all plagued with asbestos! Curse you all!
  • Tyler! That was my best friend! You’ll pay for this!
  • Nooo! My best friend and cousin-in-law! What have I done?
  • Roberto, you are under arrest for the murder of Tyler!
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