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PDHPE FSC 2 Assesment 1

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PDHPE FSC 2 Assesment 1
Storyboard That

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Próbáld ki ingyen!

Készítse el saját forgatókönyvét

Próbáld ki ingyen!

Storyboard Szöveg

  • A member of my family passed and I'm feeling really depressed.
  • I understand, here I'll show you some strategies to dealing with depression.Firstly well go to a doctor
  • Can you help me Doctor?
  • Anti-depressant medicine is a great way to handle depression if you are struggling.
  • Our second strategy is to visit a physco therapist
  • Finding help is the most important thing you can do when experiencing depression. This help can lead you to further strategies to treat depression
  • Can you help me? and who are you?
  • I'm a physcotherapist and we can talk about your depression.
  • Anti depressants are a strategy for people who are struggling depression and have tried other strategies without prevail. lAnti-depressants medication has been proven to be very effective with about 60-80% of people seeing an improvement within 8 week, while placebo only saw a 40% improvement. Anti-depressants can cause some symptoms within around 40% with 25% of these being more severe.
  • What now?
  • Lets go to the oval and play some sport.
  • A trained doctor is good option as a professional will be able to asses your condition and apply treatment as necesary.
  • Why are we playing sport?
  • Lets play some sport and exercise. You'll feel better
  • Pyschotherapy is one of the most important strategeis in treating depression. Physcotherapy is a therapy which involves conversation and practiced professionals use a variety of techniques and strategies to achieve maximum sucess. Physcotherapy has a improvement rate of around 80-90 % depending on the type but there is little downside and is often the solution for many peoples depression.
  • Exercising is a strategy that doesn't require assistance from another individual and is very effective making it another great strategy to treat depression.#160;
  • Exercising not just has physical benefits but the mental benefits are just as great and are a great treatment for depression.#160; While exercsing brain releases Endrophenes which reduce pain perception in your brain making you feel positive annd happy. Exercising can also take your focus onto the complex nature of playing sport from what might be triggering your depression.
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