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Storyboard Szöveg

  • My name is Louis-Joseph Papineau, and on behalf of the French Canadian citizens of Lower Canada... we disagree with your ruling, here are 92 resolutions to fix that... We want democracy, not monarchy!!! I demand that the budget be controlled by the Assembly and I want the same powers, privileges and immunities as the British Parliament, (just to name a few).
  • na
  • "We will not cease our demands for full political rights and power. And though we feel uneasy, we hope that the British government will at last grant us justice. In this hope, we shall do nothing to hasten our separation from the mother country, unless it be to prepare and lead the people towards that day, which will know neither monarchy nor aristocracy."
  • Representatives of the 6 Counties... my name is Louis-Joseph Papineau and I am a French Canadian nationalist... The King said no to the 92 resolutions, lets unite and revolt against the British rule!!!
  • OUI!!!! (french)
  • There were 2 battles, one took place in Lower Canada and one in Upper Canada. The Battle of Saint-Denis (Lower Canada) was fought on November 23, 1837, between British colonial authorities and Patriot rebels in Lower Canada. The rebel in Upper Canada was much less extreme. The rebellions were motivated by frustrations with lack of political reform by the British rule.
  • Hey bro, as a seigneur, what are your thoughts about all this revolting stuff? Personally, as a priest/clergy, I am soooo happy, it's about time the church and state separated.
  • No way man... I oppose the Patriots. These liberal idea's are terrible, they want to remove my privileges... WTF
  • The British military destroyed the rebellions, ending any possibility that Lower and Upper Canada would become republics.
  • ahhh non!
  • Papineau
  • "The language, the laws and the character of the North American continent are English, and every other race than the English race is in a state of inferiority. It is in order to release them from this inferiority that I wish to give the Canadians our English character."
  • My name is Lord Durham, and I am here to investigate the causes of your stupid little rebellions. From what I have gathered so far, I think that Upper and Lower Canada should become a single unified colony, called the Province of Canada, ruled under a single legislature, and to introduce a responsible government.
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