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Social media marketing campaign
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Storyboard Szöveg
Social Media MarketingScene 1
Hey whats wrong my dear ?
Social Media MarketingScene 2
Why is my shop have no customers today ?
My dear, you don't have to worry. we do have solutions for you.
Social Media MarketingScene 3
No I haven't
Have you heard about social media marketing ?
Dee is crying and suddenly Hidayah appeared and asking what is happening.
Social Media MarketingScene 4
Social media marketing is a tool to advertise the business and product through online platform.
Dee is sad because no one is coming to her store which will ruin her business.
Social Media MarketingScene 5
I've applied the social media merketing in my business, I've been successful ever since.
Huh, for real!?
Rabea appeared and propose a suggestion for Dee to use social media marketing for Dee's business.
Social Media MarketingScene 6
What are the social media platform I can use for my business?
Hidayah is explaining to Dee the definition of social media marketing convincingly.
OMG?! hmm.. interesting
Kyle appears in the current scene and telling Dee about his experiences using social media marketing.
Jean is giving some examples of social media marketing tools for Dee to advertise her business.
The social media that can help in business advertising are Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.
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