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Storyboard Szöveg
It was good! I got a gold key today!
Welcome home! How was school today?
What is a gold key?
My teachers gave me this key as a free pass to heaven. Meaning when I go to war and i'm lucky enough to die, I can use this as a key to heaven.
I walked him into the living room and sat him down next to his afternoon snack. I was still wondering what the gold key meant.
Please tell me more about this gold key
Mrs. Nasrine, is everything okay with you. Do you need something?
Later that day, I made my way over to work. I was still very upset about what just happened.
Are you alright?
I am not okay. My son came home today with a gold key.
What is a gold key?
I will go make some tea.
Oh no! Please let me talk to your son. Im sure i can do something.
Marji's mother led me into the dining room.
The gold key resembles a free pass to heaven. My son will be going to war and his teachers are making him think its a blessing to die.
My children are my happiness and I can't loose my oldest son, he means so much to me.
Im so sorry, everything will work out I promise!
Here is your tea!
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