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movie proposal

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movie proposal
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Alex, studying is the only way to be successful. Don't waste your time on sports teams.
  • But I love playingbasketball..
  • Ok...
  • Hey, let's play 1on1
  • Hmm...go talk with the coach. He is going to help you
  • You are pretty good, why don't you join the basketball team?
  • Sorry, my parents won't let me join the team
  • Ordinary world: Alex is a talented basketball player and he loves playing basketball. However, his parents don't like him spending too much time on sports.
  • But I don't have my parent's permission
  • Hi I am Varsity basketball coach and I think you are very talented
  • One day in school, Alex meets Jack, a varsity basketball player, in a pickup game
  • The Call to adventure: Jack gets amazed by Alex's talent and tells him to join the Varsity teamRefusal of the call: Alex refuses because he knew he needs his parent's permission to join a sports teamJack tells Alex to go talk with the varsity coach
  • Meeting a mentor: Alex meets the Mr.Johnson, varsity basketball coach, and shows his talent
  • You usually need your parent's permission to join a sports team but lets act like you have your parent's permission
  • Crossing the threshold: Alex joins the team secretly without his parent's permission.
  • Test, allies, and enemy: The varsity players didn't like Alex because he joined the team without going through proper procedures. However, as they practice with Alex, they build trust with Alex and recognize him as a teammate.
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