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The HUngarian Uprising

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The HUngarian Uprising
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  • In 1956, citizens of Hungary began to protest for their lack of freedom; this led to riots in the Capital, Budapest. Police forces of Hungary tried to prevent these riots.
  • Krushchev sent the Red Army into Hungary to restore order. He placed communist dictator Rakosi with more liberal Imre Nagy. the Red Army then eventually withdrew.
  • By the end of October 1956, Nagy announced a set of proposed reforms including leaving the Warsaw Pact and eventually becoming a neutral country. Following from this, Kreshchev was concerned that the break of Hungary leaving the Warsaw Pact would influence other countries to follow.
  • Kreshchev ordered a soviet invasion on Hungary. Supporters of Nagy fought against this and begged the West for support, however, none came.
  • A new communist government was set up that supported the communist ideologies, which lead to the chain of events of Nagy being executed.
  • Nagy and many of his supporters had believed that Kreshchev's criticism of Stalin would lead to a softer approach with the satellite countries. However, they miscalculated.
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