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Clayton's Comic Book
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Storyboard Szöveg
From Paleolithic....
To Neotlithic...
Comic Book
By Clayton Gura
Back in Paleolithic times...
Hey guys, there's no berries left around here.
And I just got hurt while hunting!
Back in Neolithic times...
Look at all the crops we have to harvest this year!
And the cow gave us plenty of milk for today!
These changes are important because...
Yay! We have a stable food supply for the first time ever!
Back in Paleolithic times...
Time to move on to the next cave everyone!
Aw, we were just starting to like it here!!
Back in Neolithic times...
Look at the fireplace, everyone! I can cook all sorts of stuff now!
These changes are important because...
We are able to stay warm!
We are safe from predators!
Back in Paleolithic times...
Back in Neolithic times...
These changes were important because...
And we have lots of friends to play with in our community!
Thank goodness, we found enough food to survive today!
I hope tomorrow is the same...
I'm still hungry...
Looks great! I'll see you when I get back from the stoneworker with my new tools.
Look at the new dress I got from the clothing maker!
Mom and Dad seem much happier now that they're not always looking for food.
We found better ways of doing things and get to enjoy variety!
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