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The parental need in child development

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The parental need in child development
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  • Family Medical and Mental Health Facility
  • Ma'am from testing your genetics we cannot accurately affirm the root cause of your mental health disease diagnosis, we were only able to find out that you are at a low risk for cystic fibrosis due to mutated genes and no risk was present for mental disease. Looking back at what parenting style your parents used and taught to you as a child can help you determine where your child development was altered in negative effects, that are resulting in your depression and anxiety now as an adult. 
  • Now that I have completed my genetic testing, do you know why I have the mental disease of anxiety and depression?
  • The Authoritarian Parent
  • Give me your tablet and go to your room right now! When we see your grade change from a B to an A you can talk to us. As of right now you don't deserve anything at all! I don't know what we are going to do with you.
  • I'm sorry mom and dad I thought I was trying hard enough in keeping all A's but now I know I am a failure. I will keep trying I promise and I will go to my room right now and here is my tablet.
  • How could you do this! We provide everything for you and you tell me and your father that you have a B! This is unacceptable! We raised you better than this! Any grade below an A is a disgrace and I am very very disappointed in you.
  • No matter how hard I try I am doing terrible and I am not enough. Everyone will always hate me and who I am.
  • The Authoritative Parent
  • I understand mama, if he needs space that's okay. I am sorry for bugging him. Now I can watch TV with you and dad! because that sounds fun and I love you both so much.
  • Sweetie please don't bug the cat okay?
  • Listen, honey, when you continue to bug the cat after you've already petted him and you see that his sharp claws are grabbing onto the floor. That means the cat does not want to be pet anymore and its time for him to be left alone because he needs space. You can come sit on ,my lap and we can watch TV together, this way the cat will have his space for a few minutes while we spend quality time together.
  • I pick up my room when I want and I watch TV for as long as I want even though I do have school tomorrow. I don't have to follow any rules except for doing what I want
  • The Permissive Parent
  • She has a mind of her own and she will always do what she wants to do so I must let her instead of trying to tell her what she should do
  • I am really sleepy mom and I had a bad day, because of that I am not picking up my room before bed. I am going to lay down and watch my TV while I go to sleep.
  • The Uninvolved/Neglectful Parent
  • Not right now. I have to finish this level and you know that is the last box of cereal and I eat out of every morning. Now get out.
  • I don't know what to do at all
  • Score!!!! Oh yeah
  • Family Medical and Mental Health Facility
  •  Authoritative parenting without physical punishment produces the most positive results and the fewest problems for children in today’s world. Children who have been raised in authoritative homes score higher on a variety of measures of competence, social development, self-perception, and mental health than those raised in authoritarian, permissive, or neglectful homes. It makes sense that your anxiety and depression are rooted in the authoritarian, the permissive, and the uninvolved/neglectful parenting styles that you grew up learning and experiencing. Today's doctors including myself, are spending time researching specific gene variants that could possibly be fully related to the root cause of mental health disease. As of right now, with what we do know, it's important for you to spread awareness of your newfound knowledge, as well looking into how to balance the implementation of each parenting style so in planning to have your future child, you will be prepared in teachings. The last thing I can do for you is getting you scheduled with one of our therapists, as having someone to talk to in helping you navigate your mental health disease, will be very beneficial for you.
  • Doctor, when I looked back into my family's history of parenting styles there were four types but the one I remember being expressed and taught the least to me is the style where my parents provided a balance of acceptance, demandingness, and explanation. The other three that did not contain that balance were most prevalent.
  • You can do whatever you would like to do sweetie. I don't want you to pick up your room if you aren't feeling up to it. You do have school tomorrow just remember that while you are staying up watching your TV tonight but if that's what you want to do, you can.I love you and I will see you in the morning.
  • Dad I am super hungry, mom didn't make lunch for me today before she left. When will you be making dinner? or can I please eat some of the cereal that's in the kitchen pantry?
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