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In this step, the bill is being introduced to congress. This is the first step to the Lawmaking process.
Hello! I would like to inroduce myself to you, I am a new bill!
Hello, In order to do that, you must go to the Committee to be discussed.
The second step to the lawmaking process is the bill gets discussed in Committee and gets additional changes.
Hello! Now that you have made it to Committee, we will need to make some changes.
Hello Bill, you are officially approved by the House. We will now be sending you to the Senate. Congratulations!
The third step to the lawmaking process is the bill getting approved by the House of Reps.
Thank you so much!
The fourth step to the Lawmaking process is the Senate debates on the Bill.
After voting, we will send you to Conference Committee.
Hello there!Welcome to the Senate. We will now vote on you
Hello, I am a new bill. May I ask, where am I now?
The fifth step to the lawmaking process is the Conference Committee debating on the Bi
Hello, is this the Conference Committee?
The last step to the lawmaking process is the President signing the bill. The President can Veto the Bill or just sign it.
Hello. Welcome to the President's office. I've decided to sign you into the new Law. Congratulations!.
Haha! Yes you have. Congratulations.
Thank you very much Mr. President. I've come a long way!
Why hello there. Yes this is the Conference Committee. We have looked over you and now sending you to the President. Good Luck..
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