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Haitian Revolution

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Haitian Revolution
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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Haiti used to be a pirating outpost until France convinced Pirates to settle and continue to cultivate the land with slaves
  • There was a 'caste system' to Haiti. Planters, Free colored people, Petit Blanc (poor white), then the slaves who worked the fields.
  • When the slaves heard of the ideas of the Enlightenment, and the actions of the French Revolution, they gained hope and courage for themselves
  • We Can Fight Too! We Can Also Be Free!
  • The Slaves declared their freedom and Haiti as it's own country. THe Planters heard of this and a war broke out. The Planters sent in their military forces
  • Stop those pesky slaves!
  • Yes sir!!
  • The war lasted a while, but due to the higher forces and their better immunity to the diseases on the island, the Haitian's eventually beat the French
  • Jean-Jacques Dessalines then declared independence and named the island Haiti - it became the first modern nation governed by people of African Descent
  • *CHEERS*
  • Haiti is now it's own Nation! We Declare Independence!!
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