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What you can do about plastics.

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What you can do about plastics.
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Szöveg

  • The beach is full of plastic! It is harming marine life!What can we do?
  • Or, what can YOU do?
  • Mum, I think we should stop buying plastics. Orcas and other marine life can get entangled in or eat them. They're very harmful!
  • My word!
  • Did you know, there are chemicals in the plastic, that can negatively affect the whale's immune system and overall health?
  • That sounds awful!
  • Christine was telling me how harmful plastics are to killer whales. I think we should do something...
  • So that's why the grocery bag feels so empty...normally everything is wrapped in plastic!
  • I've been talking about reducing plastics with Sue here, and with lots of other people.
  • I can stop buying plastic water bottles and using plastic grocery bags.
  • Now the killer whales are safe, thanks to you!
  • This project was created for the Southern Resident Killer Whale Youth Action Council
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