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  • Saját Storyboards

Fire Drill Comic

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Fire Drill Comic
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Alright class, today we will go over our fire drill procedures.
  • Once the fire alarm goes off, we will all get in a single file line and walk out of the door and head outside the double doors to the left of the classroom.
  • Once we are all outside, I will take role. When you hear your name, please say "Here".
  • We will wait here until the bell sounds. That way we know that it is safe to go back inside.
  • Alright, lets go back inside. Remember single file line.
  • RING
  • Now that you all know what to do, I expect you all to follow these steps the next time we have a fire drill.
Több mint 30 millió storyboard készült