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Health p7
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Storyboard Szöveg
Hey do you want to skip school ?
I should measure the consequences and take a decision
No thanks im not doing anything that gets me in trouble
My friend just sent me an article that said that the US is going to war with china
i should check if its valid information to believe him
Turns out it isnt true
Dont be a chicken come drink with us
Hey do you want to drink a beer
No thanks guys, I have to go home early
I really dont want to drink I should use my refusal skills
I think I should use what I learned in health and talk it out with an adult
Im not feeling so happy and well about my mental health
I should talk with a professional and someone that knows about the topic and helps me with my self-esteem
She doesn't look real and is asking me for things that a friend wouldn't ask
A girl I don't know requested me on Instagram, and she want to meet me
I won't accept her because it's not safe and I will tell a responsible adult
With what i have learned in health and aplied in my life i have avoided a lot of problems
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