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Odyssey Comic Strip

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Odyssey Comic Strip
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Im not feeling well!
  • You ready men?........... Ok, 1.2.3.#160; SPEAR!
  • YES SIR!
  • Odysseus went into a cave to find out the characteristics of men and was greeted with a one eyed cyclops. After helping themselves on the cyclops food the cyclops killed 6. 3 times 2 men=6.
  • Your not getting out. I will find you and kill you! Nobody will pay for this!
  • After the cyclops ate the men the men gifted the cyclops wine. The cyclops, after throwing up wine and human flesh took a nap resulting in the following.
  • Come sheep!
  • Odysseus and his men had a plan. They were going to take a spear and jab the cyclops with it in the eye. The fact the cyclops was sleeping was perfect because the cyclops didn't#160;know about it.
  • Noooooo, my lunch! I will find nobody and eat him!
  • Hey, by the way you fool its odysseus. Haha
  • The cyclops is laying down with a spear in his eye. Odysseus said his name was nobody so when the cyclops told his brothers they wouldn't#160;think anything of it. The cyclops is mad and wants revenge.
  • In the morning the cyclops had to take his sheep out of the cave to graze. Odysseus hid men underneath the sheep so the cyclops wouldn't#160;feel human but wool.
  • Odysseus#160;and his men(after escaping) brag to the cyclops that they escaped. Odysseus gets really prideful and tells the cyclops his real name was Odysseus. This was not good because the cyclops gave poisedon his name and poisedon can make his Odysseus' journey home rough.
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