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Mrudhula 9D StoryBoard on Cell Organelles

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Mrudhula 9D StoryBoard on Cell Organelles
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Storyboard Szöveg

  • A Good Question
  • Reema and Sita are best friends sitting in a park and having casual informative talk
  • Hey Sita!! I have a question for you..Which is the most Complex thing in the world??
  • Hmm...I think it is.. Rocket!!
  • A Wrong Guess
  • Oh Sita!! You Guessed it wrong...It's Human Body itself!!
  • Hmm.. Sounds Interesting!! Can u explain about this??
  • Justification
  • We can understand this with a simple example..Human body is made up of TRILLIONS of cells..If we know about a cell...We can understand the Complexity of a Human Body!!
  • What is a cell??
  • Let me tell you Sita...A cell is the basic structural and functional unit of our body..It is very snall that we cannot see it with our naked eye even!!
  • A fact That amazes and should noted is that this small unit contains in it..These are called the cell organelles..These ensure proper functioning of cell!
  • Cell Organelles
  • I know this Info about cell organelles..I saw my brother's textbook..
  • Yeah sure!! But I know about only few organelles..1. Cell wall :- Acts as an Armour.2.Plasma Membrane:-Acts as a security guard3.Nucleus:-Brain of the cell and stores genetic information4.Endoplasmic Reticulum:-Acts as a transport5.Golgi Apparatus:- Post office of the cell6.Mitochondria:-Power house of the cell7.Ribosomes:-Protien Manufracturers
  • Reema.. Can u tell about some functions of cell organelles??
  • Conclusion
  • If the smallest unit of the human body is made with such complexity..Just imagine how complex the human body would be!!!
  • Reema Its really awensome to these facts..I am happy to learn many new things today..Definitely I am going to learn more about human body!!
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