In the years BC, in a kingdom there was an extremely beautiful cat, it was white and looked very noble, the king loved that cat very much, treating it like royalty. The king said: "you are a noble cat, you are only allowed to eat luxurious food. You are a symbol of my power and wealth, haha!!" One day, one of the gardeners in the palace got greedy and plotted to steal the king's beloved cat.
The king: Where's my cat? Who dares to steal my cat right in my palace?The sentinel: Sir, we are trying to find every nook and cranny of the palace to find your cat.The king: Surely someone stole my cat, the cage containing the cat is still here, only the cat has disappeared. Find him for me!!The sentinel: Yes Sir!!!
The soldiers searched for the cat for a month but still couldn't find it, so the king gave new orders to search all the people in the kingdom.The sentinel: The king's cat is missing, the king has an order to search all the houses in the kingdom. Please open the door for us to check. The gardener knew this in advance, so he was prepared to deal with it.In a confident manner, "Yes sir, you are welcome to check." The gardener said.
In the gardener's house there was a cat that looked exactly like the king's cat, but it has a dirty black color that does not look like a noble cat. The king still wanted to do a test, which was to tempt the cat to eat luxurious food."If it's really your cat, it will choose your daily food instead of mine, won't it?" the king said.However, the gardener's preparation in advance is to train the cat not to eat luxurious foods, but only to eat fish bones and leftovers. And the cat was not lured by the luxury food, and dye the cat's fur with charcoal powder to lose its characteristic white coat.
The gardener thought he could make it through. Suddenly the king asked: "I am very thirsty, do you have water for me to drink?" The gardener: Yes, wait a minute, let me go get it for you.Unfortunately, while giving water, he accidentally spilled the entire cup of water on the cat. After that, people witnessed the cat's fur gradually turning white because the water had washed away the charcoal powder.The king got angry said: "Catch this thief and put in jail. "
Finally, the gardener was imprisoned and had to work for 3 years without pay for defrauding the king.
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