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  • Saját Storyboards

Archetype Comic Strip

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Archetype Comic Strip
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Szöveg

  • So happy to sleep in today.....
  • It is the first day of extended school break and Jaxon is enjoying his extra sleep.
  • But his Dad has other plans for him...
  • Dad!! Get out. Not funny to scare me awake!
  • Rise and shine! I have a new alarm clock for you! Hehehe
  • Vroom! Vroom!
  • Honey I asked you to wake him up NOT scare him! We have work to do.
  • Jaxon gets to work on his online learning with his mom's help.
  • But Dad has other plans...
  • I am practicing social distancing. Don't get too close. poke poke.
  • Stop annoying us. We have school work to do.
  • Mom's next job is to help Ryder with his piano.
  • But Dad's thinks he's being funny.
  • Pew pew **** Hehehehe
  • Dad stop squirting me!
  • Stop bothering me. I'm trying to help Ryder.
  • Hehehehe. SNAP!
  • That's it! All day I have been trying to do stuff for the family and you have been annoying me and the kids and getting in the way!
  • Sorry honey. I was just joking around. You know what I will finish making dinner. You can go have fun with the kids.
  • Thanks honey. I know you were just messing with me. Go ahead and finish dinner.
  • Dinner is ready!
  • Now that all the work is done, it is finally time to have fun with the family!
  • YAY!!!
  • Image Attributions: ( - Clker-Free-Vector-Images - License: Free for Most Commercial Use / No Attribution Required / See for what is not allowed ( - Hans - License: Free for Most Commercial Use / No Attribution Required / See for what is not allowed

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