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Storyboard Szöveg
Then what is gycolysis and where does it happen?
The by-products of gycolysis are then entered into theKrebs cycle which requires oxygen
Gycolysis is the breaking up of glucose to pyruvic acids. This occurs in the cytoplasm.
Hey little flee, what do you know about cellular respiration.
Well, cellular respiration allows us to take glucose and turn it into energy
Cellular respiration produces 6 moles. ofcarbondioxides, 6 water moles., and energy
Blah.. Blah... Blah... cellular respiration
One day a flower overheard some kids talking about Cellular Respiration and got a little curious...
Haha you're so funny Jaden.
What's next?
During gyolysis and Krebs cycle we are taking NAD+ and we add hydrogen to make NADH which drives our next stage called Electron TransportCycle
NADH from NAD+ bring electrons to the electron transport chain which creates hydrogen ions in the inter membraneof the mitochondria.
Wait! You forgot ATP Sythase
ADP is formed whenphosphate from ATP is lost.
I was just getting there. ATP sythase uses energy to complete the phosphorylation of ADP to ATP
Thanks for teaching me about cellular respirationlittle flee
by saniya hillman
Yeah no problem. But do yourself a favor and pay attention in biology next time
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