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Parable of Rich Man and Lazarus

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Parable of Rich Man and Lazarus
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Szöveg

  • There were two men that cross paths everyday. There is a poor man collecting spare change and a businessman that walks to work.
  • Hello, any spare change please?
  • No, stay away from me!
  • Spare change, sir? 
  • Why must you annoy me every single day? Get an education! Make your own money instead of begging for it! 
  • I'm- I'm sorry sir. I will never ask you again. 
  • The rich man was so arrogant and has little respect for poor people, believing they got themselves into that predicament and should get themselves out!
  • The poorer man was down on his luck but was well educated and one day, found enough courage to apply for a job.
  • I am sorry to come to you with this news, but you have been demoted to your previous job, as it has been filled by another person.
  • Maybe I'll have some luck here...
  • At the job interview...
  • Good afternoon, sir. It's nice to meet you. I've heard great things about you!
  • It's nice to meet you too!
  • One hour later...
  • I think our work here is done. You are hired! You'll start next Monday. Thank you for your time!
  • Thank you very much!
  • Now, if you will excuse me, I need to talk with my employee about rearranging job titles.
  • After the interview...
  • This man came in and asked for a job, and I believe he will work more effectively than you can. He has work ethic, knowledge, and causes less trouble among employees. Pack your bags, he is now your boss. 
  • What? By who!
  • You can't hire him, he's poor! What if he steals something?
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