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  • Saját Storyboards

Book 1

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Book 1
Storyboard That

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Próbáld ki ingyen!

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Próbáld ki ingyen!

Storyboard Szöveg

  • In the distance, Toby and Tami see an injured camel trapped in a hole
  • "Me too"
  • “I would like to explore Egypt”
  • Toby and Tami love exploring new countries and making new friends all around the world.
  • "I want to ride a camel".
  • says Tami,
  • says Toby
  • "My name is Ali and this is my sister Sara".
  • "Hello, my name is Toby and this is my sister Tami. We are from Australia.
  • Toby and Tami head off to the desert and come across two Egyptian children feeding a camel.
  • "Marhaba" says the boy.
  • The pyramids are huge and the children are excited to be so close to them.
  • Ali and Sara offer to take them to the pyramids which they can see in the distance.
  • "Where are you going?" asks Sara
  • "We are looking for the pyramids" says Tami
  • "That is a lovely name" says Tami
  • "He is a camel herder and will know how to fix her leg"
  • "We will take the injured camel to our father" says Ali
  • The girls hug their new camel friend while they walk her to Ali and Sara's village.
  • "I will call her Hijen" says Sara
  • "Marhaba" says Sara's mother, "please join us for tea and cake".
  • "Ah, Babousa cake" says Ali and Sara excitedly,
  • "This is our mother Mariam" says Sara, introducing her mother to their new friends Toby and Tami,
  • "They are from Australia"
  • "this is our favourite cake".
  • Toby and Tami enjoyed their trip to Egypt but are happy to be home to share their adventures with their family and friends
  • They cannot wait for their next adventure
  • Where will they go next?
  • After a slice of Basbousa, Toby and Tami are gifted a book of papyrus to take home
  • "Is this your camel?" asks Toby
  • "Look, the pyramids" says Toby
  • "That the Great Pyramid of Giza is the largest pyramid and was built more than 4000 years ago?"
  • "Did you know" says Tami
  • Toby and Tami get excited as they fly over Egypt.
  • "His name is Ibil".
  • "Yes it is our camel" ,says Ali patting the camel.
  • Tami pats Ibil. She is very happy to have seen a camel.
  • Ibil takes no notice of the visitors and continues enjoying the cactus. He does not seem to mind the thorns.
  • "Lets all pull together" says Ali
  • The children tug at the rope and eventually the baby camel is able to climb out of the hole.
  • The children rush to the injured camel. Ali has a rope and ties it around the camel.
  • Toby spots a baby camel trapped in a hole.
  • He is happy to be free but has an injured leg.
  • Toby and Tami are thirsty and happily follow Ali and Sara to their home.
  • "This is our father" says Ali, showing his father the injured camel.
  • "Marhaba" says Ali's father, my name is Omar.
  • "Why don't you children go and get something to drink while i take a look at Hijen's leg".
  • It is ancient Egyptian paper.
  • Toby and Tami have had a lovely time with their new friends and are sad when they have to leave.
  • "I would like to give you this souvenir to remember us" says Mariam.
  • Toby and Tami have had a lovely time with their new friends and are sad when they have to leave.
  • She hands the children a papyrus scroll. They love their new gift and say goodbye to their Egyptian friends.
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