Now Showing:Rap Battle...Lincoln vs. Johnson vs. Congress
Starring: Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson
Starring:Abraham Lincolnand Andrew Johnson
Once 10% have pledged to the flag, then the previously seceded states, can be readmitted back.
5pts. to Lincoln for advocating for a swift recovery of normalcy.
That doesn't punish them enough!The ex-slaves need rights!
Hah! You wish!I think that would fit nicely in my pocket.
10pts. for Congress for hoping to take away slaveholders' power.
Wade and Davis say Congress needs to take over Reconstruction. And I can't help but support their suggestion.
It is absolutely critical, to remember history's cyclical. In order to fight against repercussion, at least 51% must swear undying devotion.
Yes, Master.
30pts. for Congress getting Southern black support in order for Grant to win Election of 1876(-15pts. for manipulating the election though)
Lastly, we want to make one more amendment. We want guarantee for the blacks to be free. They need a vote to keep the nation afloat.
15. The lucky number. What does it do? What does it mean? That votes can't be determined by race or color. We're here to support everyone. Thanks and goodnight. This was fun!