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  • Saját Storyboards

Unhealthy Relationship

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Unhealthy Relationship
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Leírás

Health Summative Assignment

Storyboard Szöveg

  • It was the first day of school. It was Alexa's and Riley's first day of grade 8. The two bestfriends got off the bus, anxious for their first day.
  • I cant wait to see the other girls in our class. 
  • Ya same, I guess. But, you must sit beside me.
  • Is it okay if I sit in the front so I see the board better ?
  • All students gathered in the class. Riley started to get really upset with Alexa  because she doesn't like when she makes new friends.
  • Ya sure
  • I'm so mad at her! Why isn't she sitting beside me! She's lying , she just wants to sit beside the new girl.
  • Riley was still really upset with Alexa. She was going to talk to her afterschool.
  • Ya my name is Lexi. I gave you my number so we can text afterschool and call!
  • It was so nice talking to you in class today.
  • I'm so mad at you, your a horrible friend that doesn't even like me. You never sat beside me, and you were making other friends. I don't like that your getting close with the new girl. Stop talking to her!
  • Riley argued with Alexa and was starting to control her. She was very aggressive when she was communicating. Alexa was just communicating in a passive way, not expressing herself.
  • Sorry, I just felt bad she was sitting all alone. I'm sorry I won't sit beside her. 
  • She 's controlling me and i don't know what to do .
  • Alexa sat in bed and she was just really unhappy because she couldn't make any other friends. She felt peer pressured by Riley.
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