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Sexual Reproduction Comic Strip

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Sexual Reproduction Comic Strip
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Dad how do I have the same hair as you.
  • I'll explain in the morning.
  • What did I get from mom then?
  • When we have offspring, you, they usually take a few features from their parents.
  • Am I like a clone!!Hahaha!!!
  • You have her eyes and the shape of her face. And no you're not a clone
  • How did i get those characteristics
  • We are your parents you take physical and internal traits from us
  • Anybody want some tea
  • How Marissa has similair physical traits to us.
  • So sweaty what were you talking about again?
  • This is a type of sexual reproduction.
  • We went through fertilization
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