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  • Saját Storyboards

Chocky Milk

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Chocky Milk
Storyboard That

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Próbáld ki ingyen!

Storyboard Szöveg

  • I devote you the DEVIL!!!!
  • Monseigneur's TruMoo Chocolate Milk
  • Through the city!!!!
  • Aaaaahh!Runnn!!!
  • Wheeeeeeeeee zoom!
  • CRASH!
  • I'm a wine vendor, and according to that guy in the carriage a philosopher
  • *throws coins* stop making that awful noise! You guys need to learn how to take care of your children! He probably didn't even have a good life. At least my horse is okay!
  • You hit my son!!! He's dead! KIlled!
  • Hold! Hold the horses! Who threw that!
  • You rats! I would run over any of you peasants...intentionally. I want to exterminate you from the earth. You're lucky I didn't figure out who threw that or you would be crushed under my wheels!
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