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Storyboard Szöveg
Scene 1: Mr Guna meet Madam Sarah
Hi, Sarah. How are Madam Sarah?
Hi, Guna. Yeah, I'm fine.
Scene 2: Rashdan is late
Hmm, Rashdan always be late if we got anything very important to discuss
Yeah, like usual. He always be the last person arrived if we got something to discuss no doubt about it.
Scene 3:Asking about their current life
So, what are doing right now?
Still work as software engineer. Also handling a big project for governemnt.
Yes. Currently, I'm works at multimedia company. Now I'm handling a project about Malaysia Independence Day. What about you?
Guna meet Sarah in a parking lot while waiting for Rashdan
Scene 4: Rashdan not arriving yet and Guna call Rashdan
Wait a minute, while we were talking about our lives, where is Rashdan?
Guna and Sarah complaining about Rashdan being late.
Scene 5: Mr Guna call Rashdan
Guna and Sarah asking what they doing right now about their job and life afterso long not meets.
Scene 6: Rashdan is involed in an accident.
Hey, Guna I', involved in an accident can you come to me?
Guna and Sarah feels worried about Rashdan becaue he doesn't come after 1 hour and call Rashdan
Oh, yes. Where is Rashdan. We have been waiting for him for 1 hour. Let me call Rashdan
Guna call Rashdan and asks him where he at and why he late
Hello Rashdan where you at?
Rashdan pick up the call from Guna and answered it.
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