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Communism storyline

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Communism storyline
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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Peasants and workers
  • We work all day long and our income still goes to the Tsars!
  • I am just a kid and I still have to work in these terrible conditions!
  • Bloody Sunday
  • We want Tsar! We want Tsar! We should get rights too!
  • 1905 Revolution and the reforms
  • Yay! We are finnaly getting some rights. We need more!
  • Russia under the rule of tsar had no rights at all. Thats because they were a autocracy. That means there is only one person in power who makes all the decisions. The workers and peasants were all suffering and starving, tsar would tax them for all there money so his family can live there pefect lifestyle.
  • World War 1
  • We are so hungry! Were starving!
  • 150,000 Russian workers all came together to sign a petition to get better working conditions and rights. As they marched to the palace they were met by many russian soldiers. The soldiers assumed it was a threat and shot dead 200 people. Starting to lead to the 1905 revolution.
  • 1917 Revolution
  • The kick starter to this revolutuon was the events that happned on bloody sunday. Because of this Tsar implemented some reforms which were much needed but not enough for those in russia. Worker strikes and protests escalated and started the 1905 revolution.
  • Rise of Lenin and the Red army
  • "Peace,land,bread."
  • WW1 for russia was not at all good for them. The effects of the war had a huge impact on russia. The currency was imflating and there was even more of a food shortage now.
  • Because of world war 1 and what it did for russia, it spiked another revolution. Strikes and portests were still going on then the Romanov family was killed and Vladmir Lenin and the communist bolshevik party took over.
  • The bolshevik party gained a ton of support from peasants and soldiers through Lenin. He makes a huge tranformation and declares Russia a comunist country. Now known as the United Soviet Socialist Republic .
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