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ball experiment

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ball experiment
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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Hello class today we are going to do a very cool experiment. we are going to be bouncing 2 balls. one ball with air and one ball with not as much air. let's go outside
  • before we start can anyone tell me what all the variable mean and what it is in our experiment?
  • oooooo I know I know. A dependent variable is something in the experiment that we can change. It is important because we can change the way the experiment plays on. The dependent variable is the ball height. The independent variable is something we can't control this is important because not everything is good to change. In this experiment it is the temperature of the balls
  • correct!
  • Correct! Now that we finished with the explanation we can start the experiment!
  • a control variable is something that is naturally there. It is important it can help shape the experiment. In this experiment the three control variables are the weather, the court, and the balls
  • the ball on the left is half full of air and the one on the right is full. now we will bounce the balls 3 2 1 bounce
  • as we saw, the right ball went higher because it had more air in it. That's it for today class have a good day and see you tomorrow
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