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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Command Economy
  • Factory being built
  • Making and Packaging the toys
  • This is an example of command economy because the government owns the factor of production which is land in this scenario. The government is going to turn this land into a factory to produce toys for little kids for Christmas.
  • Traditional Economy
  • Barbie Dolls
  • Fidget Spinners
  • Okay
  • Remote Control Cars
  • The factory has to built so then you can produce the toys.
  • Mixed Economy
  • The toys are being made and getting packaged so then they will be able to sort and sell.
  • Market Economy
  • ONLY 3 BOXES LEFT!!!!!!!!!!
  • This is an example of traditional economy because the factory uses factory workers to run the equipment so then the toys will be made. This is the way factory's have always been done. In factories there are different kind of workers such as machinists, electricians, welders, and material handlers. The factory worker shown above is a machinist. The machinists is moving the boxes into the different categories each toys are in.
  • YoYo's
  • That box goes on the bottom right.
  • Legos
  • Stuffed Animals
  • No worries!! Take your time!! I'm so happy I got here in time!!
  • For mixed economy my example was a public-private partnership. The factory partnered with Target, Walmart, Toys R Us, and Amazon. The partnership was to help advertise and sell the product. The partnership was very successful in the result led to selling tons of stuffed animals, toys, and dolls.
  • Stuffed Animals
  • Barbies
  • I'll be there in one second!!
  • The investment and production decisions are based on the supply and demand. The higher demand there is for the toys the harder it is to supply the companies to sell the toys so therefore companies raise the price of the toys. This happens because parents are trying so hard to find presents for there children around Christmas time that they are willing to pay whatever the companies charge them to make there kids happy.
  • NO! I want them!!
  • Barbie Dolls
  • Fidget Spinners
  • I want them!!!!
  • Let me go check the back to see if there are anymore.
  • Legos
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