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Explaining Adjectives to Grampa

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Explaining Adjectives to Grampa
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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Hi sweetie, what are you studying?
  • Hey Grandpa, I'm studying about adjectives, come take a look!
  • Adjectives  Adjectives are descriptive words that modify nouns; they are used to add detail and specification to those nouns. Adjectives usually precede nouns. This is a cute baby. (adjective)That is a beautiful flower. (adjective)She is wearing a colorful dress. (adjective) 
  • Adjectives They also act as a complement to linking verbs or verb to be.That cow sure is happy.They also tell the reader how much or how many of something you're talking about. Please use three white flowers in the arrangement.
  • All this reading made me hungry, let's go to the kitchen grandpa.
  • Sure, I'll go grab something to eat as well, I am very interested in learning more about adjectives.
  • So now that you know what an adjective is, how would you describe the food? Did you like it?
  • Of course I liked the food. The rice was soft, spicy and sweet at the same time. The flavors were well balanced and tasteful.
  • I'm glad you liked the food. I also wanted to add that adjectives can be in an absolute, superlative or comparative form. 
  • For example:A messy room-absolute.A messier room-comparative.The messiest room- supperlative
  • Thank you for taking the time to explain me this topic, I am the luckiest grandpa in the world. You are the best teacher. Keep up the good work young lady!
  • By: Gigiola Ocampo PE-13-2084Ashly Tamayo 8-881-956
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