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  • Saját Storyboards

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Storyboard Szöveg

  • I'm Jeremy Bentham, the inventor of Utilitarianism. The idea that the main goal for society should be to make the most amount of people happy possible!
  • With Utilitarianism in put in place, the government would make decisions that would make the citizens of the country happy, instead of make decisions benefiting only the upper class, which is common in modern government.
  • With Utilitarianism put in place there will be a balance in happiness, because although there will be less laws and policies benifiting the wealthy, the middle and lower class will be kept content, making the world a better place.
  • I'm Karl Marx, the inventor of the ideals of Communism. Communism is the idea that a government should be run in a classless society and the means of production would be owned in common.
  • If put into place, society will have one head ruler, and one common salary. No matter how hard you work, or how little you work you will be awarded the same amount of money.
  • With Communism in place a dictatorship would be needed, making the country prone to corruption. Work productivity would also be low because lazyness is rewarded with the same pay as hard work.
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