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Social Hierarchy of Colonial Latin America

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Social Hierarchy of Colonial Latin America
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  • I wonder what the social hierarchy of colonial Latin America was like...
  • Salutations, I am a Peninsular. I was born in Spain. I can hold political offices in colonial Latin America.
  • Hello, I am a Creole. I am a Spaniard and was born in colonial Latin America. I cannot hold any political offices. The Creoles and myself led the South American Revolution. Simon Bolivar was the Creole leader of the South American Revolution. Click To EditHello, I am a creole. I am a Spaniard and was born in colonial Latin America. I cannot hold any political offices. Help Insert ParagraphUndoes the last commandRedoes the last commandTabUntabSet a bold styleSet a italic styleSet a underline styleSet a strikethrough styleClean a styleSet left alignSet center alignSet right alignSet full alignToggle unordered listToggle ordered listOutdent on current paragraphIndent on current paragraphChange current block's format as a paragraph(P tag)Change current block's format as H1Change current block's format as H2Change current block's format as H3Change current block's format as H4Change current block's format as H5Change current block's format as H6Insert horizontal Summernote 0.8.11 · Project · Issues
  • Greetings, I am a Mestizo. I had one Spanish parent and one native parent. The Mestizos and myself led the Mexican Revolution. The leader of the Mexican Revolution was Father Miguel Hidalgo.
  • Hey, I am a Mulatto. I had one Spanish parent and one African/slave parent.
  • Hi, I am a slave. The first group of slaves in the Spanish colonies were the Native Americans. This, however, failed because they died off from illnesses, due to not having antibodies to fight off the illnesses. After this failed, African Americans were being used as slaves. The Haitian Revolution was led by slaves. The former slave leader of the Haitian Revolution was Toussaint L'ouverture. Click To EditHi, I am a slave. The first group of slaves in the Spanish colonies were the Native Americans. This, however, failed because they died off (from illnesses), due to not having antibodies to fight off the illnesses. After this failed, African Americans were being used as slaves. The Haitian Revolution was led by slaves. The former slave leader of the Haitian Revolution was Toussaint L'ouverture. Help Insert ParagraphUndoes the last commandRedoes the last commandTabUntabSet a bold styleSet a italic styleSet a underline styleSet a strikethrough styleClean a styleSet left alignSet center alignSet right alignSet full alignToggle unordered listToggle ordered listOutdent on current paragraphIndent on current paragraphChange current block's format as a paragraph(P tag)Change current block's format as H1Change current block's format as H2Change current block's format as H3Change current block's format as H4Change current block's format as H5Change current block's format as H6Insert horizontal Summernote 0.8.11 · Project · Issues
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